There are many such people, who feels vomiting, dizziness, during journey, which is also called as motion sickness. This problem not only destroy the fun of travel but also become the reason of embarrassment. But there are some such way which will be easy to get rid of this problem ..Check out this video to know it's solution
कई सारे ऐसे लोग है, जिन्हें सफर के दौरान उल्टी , चक्कर आने की समस्या होती है, जिसे मोशन सिकनेस कहते है । यह समस्या सफर का मजा तो किरकिरा करती ही है साथ ही शर्मिदगी का कारण भी बनती है । पर कुछ ऐसे तरीके है, जिसे अगर अपनाया जाऐं तो इस समस्या से निजात मिलने में आसानी होगी.. आइए जानते है क्या है वो उपाय